News No.9: Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030
In this Final Newsletter, you will find a report by CEC on our recent workshop related to the Network of Regions. Then, EURATEX tells us about our final event, held in Brussels and finally, the Project partners share some last words! Thank you very much for following this journey. Nevertheless, we are sure this is just the beginning of a greater one! Download our Final Newsletter: S4S TCLF 2030 - Newsletter [...]
Press Release: S4S TCLF 2030 Final Conference
After four years and a half, the Blueprint Project "Skills4Smart TCLF 2030" which aimed to enhance the modernisation and competitiveness of the European TCLF sectors by developing a sustainable upskilling and reskilling strategy, has finally concluded. The Final Conference that took place last Thursday, 16th of June 2022, at the Renaissance Brussels Hotel and also streamed online, presented the outcomes of this ambitious project, highlighting the Sectoral Skills Strategy for [...]
Collaboration between companies and VET in training activities
Collaboration between companies and high schools has been lately an important type of partnership. The advantages of this type of collaboration appears on both side. Companies can access the pool of young and talented workforce and influence their education while students get free teaching and learning materials as well as early work experience, which in the future may result in more attractive job offers. These collaborations between schools and companies [...]
Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters for the Leather industry
The LEATECH project coordinated by the Universidad de Lleida (Spain) under the Erasmus programme is a spin-off of the S4TCLF project. For the time being, it is a small project that is meant to coordinate and prepare a number of Higher Educational Institutes (HEI) to qualify in a subsequent submission for a full-fledged Erasmus Mundus project to implement a joint Masters in the leather industry. The current LEATECH project will [...]
Companies’ reinvention post Covid-19
Covid-19 impact on supply chain and business – how to reinvent businesses after Covid-19 COVID-19 has disrupted supply chains, with challenges waiting on every step on the way: sourcing raw material for production and logistics, manufacturing during plant shutdowns and in respect to social distancing rules, reduced warehouse operations, transportation restrictions and many others This gives a chance to create new business models and integrate the value organizations provide into [...]
MOOCS and the TCLF industries
The number of MOOCs available for the TCLF industries is relatively small and only a few isolated examples are available. Here are a few (free) successful cases: Manager of an Innovative Leather Company - This MOOC analyses current management processes in the Leather Industry and shows how to improve them to develop an innovative company. The MOOC focus on aspects such as innovation management, leather processes development, standardization and quality control, [...]
Self-reliance of workers in practice
20 years of experiences with an individual learning account in the Belgian clothing industry Introduction In the framework of the European Commission Work Programme 2021, one of the New Policy Objectives is to assess the possible impact of an Individual Learning Account. This plan is part of the follow-up to the European Education Area and the updated skills agenda. Maybe most interesting, the learning account fits in promoting our European [...]
News No.8: Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030
Biannual Newsletter - January 2022 In this newsletter, we are introducing you to the latest outcomes and what you may expect after the end of the project. In addition, you will have an insight into the latest activities of the VET Network. Read our Newsletter here S4TCLF_Newsletter-n.8_EN_January_2022 S4TCLF Newsletter - January 2022 - ES
Digital skills and qualified technicians – key needs of the TCLF industries in the future.
Numerous contributions were made during the international conference entitled "The future of Fashion industry: innovations, scenarios, strategies and skills in the textile, clothing, leather and footwear" which took place on 12 January at Fortezza da Basso in Florence, within the evocative setting of Pitti Uomo. 60 participants physically present, 377 in live streaming with connections from Portugal, France, Belgium, Spain, Romania, Germany, Poland, Greece, Sweden, Hungary, Czech Republic, United [...]
Digital Skills and qualified technicians. The main needs of TCLF industry of the future.
Numerous contributions were made during the international conference entitled "The future of Fashion industry: innovations, scenarios, strategies and skills in the textile-clothing-leather-footwear" which took place on 12 January at Fortezza da Basso in Florence, within the evocative setting of Pitti Uomo. 60 participants physically present, 377 in live streaming with connections from Portugal, France, Belgium, Spain, Romania, Germany, Poland, Greece, Sweden, Hungary, Czech Republic, United States, Brazil, Netherlands, Russia, [...]
How to communicate sustainability?
The fashion world has changed. Today’s consumer is aware, critical, and increasingly demanding regarding the origins of products of the manufacturing industry, in particular in the area of clothing and footwear goods. Their main concerns are the origin and quality of leather or textile, human rights, and safe working conditions are just some of the questions raised by consumers. It is undeniable that there is increasing critical curiosity, essential to [...]
Traceability & Transparency in the TCLF industries
What do these terms mean? Traceability is the capacity to track and trace a product to its origin, and Transparency is the level of public disclosure of the suppliers in a given value chain. They have become key concepts among apparel and footwear suppliers where value chains are highly complex, and the skills required in this are very specific. Why do we need this? Today’s consumers have become increasingly demanding. Now more and [...]
(Re)discover the textile industry: Attracting students through virtual fairs and games
One of the objectives of the Skills4Smart TCLF industries 2030 project is to enhance the attractiveness of the sector to engage newcomers. The TCLF industries are in desperate need for skilled workers and the textile sector is no exception. In Belgium, employment in the textile industry has been stable in recent years and investments have increased. The sector can count on dedicated employees, but the downside is that the average [...]
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) in the footwear industry.
The SDGs at a glance In 2015, the UN approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, an international agreement signed by 193 countries, which means an opportunity for countries and their societies to embark on a new path towards a better and more sustainable future. This initiative seeks to address the global challenges the world is facing, from eradicating POVERTY and reducing INEQUALITY, to reversing CLIMATE CHANGE and ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION, [...]
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the leather sector
The SDGs at a glance In 2015, the UN approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, an international agreement signed by 193 countries, which means an opportunity for countries and their societies to embark on a new path towards a better and more sustainable future. This initiative seeks to address the global challenges the world is facing, from eradicating POVERTY and reducing INEQUALITY, to reversing CLIMATE CHANGE and ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION, [...]
What makes Young Patterns so unique? The Dual learning (4/4)
Skills needs may be perceived in different ways and can have different consequences. The fashion world suffers from lack of candidates or lack of competences for certain jobs. Plus, training courses are not always geared to the business world, or they are simply not offered. In the absence of a satisfactory solution being found, companies have learned to take matters into their own hands. Rather than believing that the solution [...]
What makes Young Patterns so unique? The Hub (3/4)
Young Patterns supports young people looking for a job in Belgian fashion and apparel companies. The duo-internship system created by Young Patterns aims at the best result for both young people and companies. Recent graduates who have just registered as job seekers can join the initiative and enjoy a “tailor-made” first work experience. Young Patterns grew out of the observation that the new generation's flow into the fashion and clothing [...]
What makes Young Patterns so unique? The duo-internship (2/4)
Young Patterns supports young people who are looking for a job in one of the Belgian fashion and apparel companies. Aiming for a best result for both young people and companies the duo-internship system is a perfect fit used by Young Patterns. Recent graduates who have just registered as job seekers can join the initiative and enjoy a “tailor-made” first work experience. The duo-internship: a win-win for the company and [...]
What makes Young Patterns so unique ? The ambassadors (1/4)
Young Patterns, a community carried by group of ambassadors in Belgium connects young jobseekers, students and employees with the national fashion and apparel industry. “We work together to make the sector more youthful and to show Belgian companies that the new generation is ready to work passionately in the TCLF sectors.” Rob Senden Sarah, Marie, Paulien, Sophie, Jitske, Eline, Hester, Luna, Laurie, Merel, Fleur, Amber, Chanel & Zoë. 14 enthusiastic [...]
Training in response to the needs of companies and workers in the TCLF sectors in Spain
To enable the recovery of the Spanish economy due to the recent health crisis, it is necessary to enhance human capital and workers´ employability. To reach this goal improving professional skills and adjust the supply and demand of qualified workers in the labour market is the key. The vocational training system for employment, as one of the essential parts of active employment policies, must anticipate companies´ demand. It must also [...]
Meet-up of R3iLab: UNITEX intervention on Skills4Smart TCLF project
Laurence Allois, as Project Manager for France of the Skills4Smart TCLF project, was invited as a speaker during the meet-up organized by the R3iLab. The event place on June 23 and had for purpose to discuss (How to) "Attract, train and motivate the new talents in TCLF industries”. If you missed the event, here is a short breakdown of the meet-up with some resources. Four important themes were discussed during [...]
News No.7: Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030
Biannual Newsletter - July 2021 In this newsletter, you will learn about our 4 crucial transversal profiles of the Skills4Smart project and have a preview of their MOOC developed by our partners. In addition, you will have an insight into the latest activities of the VET Network. Read our Newsletter here S4TCLF_Newsletter-n.7_EN_July-2021
Key professions in a clothing enterprise
The clothing industry – light, but dynamic Behind every beautiful garment, there is a long process of manufacturing that goes through many various stages. So, we come to the question: “Who made my clothes?” The clothing industry is the large-scale industrial sector producing billions of garment pieces each year. From workwear to fashion, many products are PIRIN-TEX, as a large enterprise with a decades-long tradition in garment manufacturing, has a [...]
Innovation in teaching and learning methodologies in the TCLF industries
How to innovate in learning methodologies to enhance the learning process The last decades have proved to be a real challenge in terms of adapting learning methodologies to the demands of the modern world, characterised by a vast social and technological transformation. Methodologies such as work-based learning, open learning resources, have gained a central place in the European programmes available. This also allowed sharing examples of good practices and the [...]
The need of an innovative-based curriculum in the TCLF industries
Designing an innovative TCLF curriculum, responding to present and future needs of employers is key to sectoral economic development. This article proposes a curriculum development model that should be a part of the education and training ecosystem that is in line with future needs [1] After a digital and industrial revolution The emerging professions have to take into consideration all consequences related tothe digital transformation and of the Industrial Revolution [...]
Online learning for the TCLF industries: how to design a course?
What are MOOCs? Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are online web courses with open access and unlimited participation. MOOCs provide static and dynamic course materials such as video lectures, readings, case studies and problem sets. They also include interactive user forums that help build a community for the students and teachers in a strong peer-learning approach combined with automatic assessment features that give immediate feedback to the students. Because of [...]
How has Covid-19 changed consumers’ expectations and buying practices?
COVID-19 deeply changed consumer behaviour. With the right skills and opportune approach TCLF companies can benefit from it. The scale and length of the COVID-19 sanitary and economic crisis have had a profound impact on everyone’s lives. Millions of people have been asked to stay at home to slow down the pandemic. In Europe, government health and safety measures have incurred the closing of workplaces, schools, and many businesses. The [...]
Press release: Becoming a Young Professional in the TCLF industries
Between February and April, over 600 14-18 year olds from Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal and Romania took part in ‘Your First Step in TCLF’ virtual career and opportunity orientations webinars, introducing them to these sectors, relevant contributors to the European economy. The spring of 2021 has seen a concerted, virtual, effort to attract new talent to the European Textiles, Clothing, Leather and Footwear (TCLF) sectors by the partners of the [...]
Materials and the importance of authenticity for the TCLF industries
Wool, alpaca, cashmere, mohair, silk, cotton, flax (or linen) or hemp and cellulose acetate, modal, viscose, lyocell, polyester. Natural or synthetic. These are just some of the fibres listed in Annex I of the EU Regulation on textile names and labelling (Regulation (EU) 1007/2011). Regarding footwear, the designations are limited to four: Leather Coated leather Textiles and ‘all other materials’ With the latter defined in the EU Footwear labelling Directive [...]
Press Release: The Network of European TCLF VET providers takes off!
On the 14th April, 2021, the 22 members of the European Network of TCLF VET providers promoting Excellence met virtually for the first time to exchange ideas and priorities for joint action. This initiative, conducted within the framework of the Erasmus+ Skills4Smart TCLF industries 2030 Blueprint (S4TCLF), brings together European Vocational and Training (VET) institutions to further strengthen Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear (TCLF) skills provision in Europe through the [...]
PEF & Eco-design in the footwear industry
Demystifying the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) A Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) is a measure of the environmental performance of a good or service throughout its life-cycle that takes into account supply-chain activities (from the extraction of raw materials, through production and use, to final waste management). It is a method to model the environmental impacts of a product throughout its life-cycle. The PEF was implemented through the adoption of the European [...]
Fostering Academia-Industry Collaboration
FOSTERING TEXTILE ACADEMIA-INDUSTRY COLLABORATION FOR TEXTILE AND LEATHER INDUSTRIES : EXAMPLES FROM ERASMUS+ PROJECTS Relationships between academia and industry are very important for all the industrial sectors and particularly on the TCLF. A good connection between industry and academia can create the necessary synergies to create innovations, to revise the curricula and adapt them to the needs of the industry, to promote the education centers as focal points in the TCLFs [...]
What are the educational needs of the TCLF sectors?
Discover how companies and SMEs of the TCLF sectors have evolved since 1995, what are the most significant challenges faced by the TCLF sectors in EU, and what is the strategy for matching the skills offer of VET and Lifelong Learning with the needs of the market in EU, with a focus on the case of Greece. In 2019, a total of 6.080 companies were active in the Textile - [...]
ICT in textile and clothing sector, what’s next?
There are constant changes in the T&C as this is an industry with heavy international competition, requiring continuous improvements. Key innovations for the T&C industry, according to the EURATEX report, can be found in the areas of: Smart high-performance materials and products; Digital manufacturing and supply chains; Bio-based materials & processing. Furthermore, it is stated that the Smart Textiles area (electronic textiles and smart wearables) is booming. The EU smart [...]
Apprenticeship: A mechanism to match skills supply and demand
What is an apprenticeship? Apprenticeships are a form of work-based learning. Although existing apprenticeship schemes in Europe differ between the Members States, the Council Recommendation on a European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships [1] offers a unified definition of the key elements that distinguish apprenticeships from other work-based learning schemes. A formal apprenticeship scheme must: Lead to nationally-recognised qualifications, Combine learning in education or training institutions with work-based learning in [...]
Youngsters from Italy discovering the TCLF career opportunities
The sooner young people are able to design their own professional project, the easier it will be for them to choose and succeed, first at school and then professionally. It is difficult for youngsters to understand what they are best at, what skills they have and what career paths will enable them to express their talents and fulfil their expectations and dreams. With an advantage for the economic and social system: less risk of dropping out and better performance in the workplace. Orientation [...]
The importance of circularity in the TCLF industries
The TCLF sectors are often accused of being among the most polluting industries, and it is true that in the past much pain to the planet could have been avoided with foresight and responsibility. While modern TCLF production sites in Europe have long since changed and today operate under strict environmental considerations, there are still far too many non-EU countries that supply materials, components, and finished goods that do not [...]
Orientation as a tool for the attractiveness of TCLF sectors
The labour market in TCLF sectors shows many problems: a high unemployment rate, a significant discrepancy between the demand and supply of labour force, followed by the gap between the professional skills provided by the training system and those actually required by the labour market. In this context, young people who are starting to build their professional lives face an increasing number of challenges and difficult choices, and they need [...]
Where are textiles in everyday life?
Textiles are everywhere and shape our daily life. In the last 30 years, textile industrial companies in Europe have been producing textiles that are used in many fields of application, not only in fashion and clothing, thanks to important product innovation. How many of the examples of applications listed below you were aware of already? In the field of agriculture, they are nets to protect crops against insects or climatic [...]
Recent trends in TCLF VET collaboration in Europe
In autumn 2020, the S4TCLF project launched a survey of European TCLF VET providers as a first step toward the establishment of a Network of EU TCLF VET providers promoting Excellence. The survey identifies the scope of VET providers’ activities, how they function and are governed, their interests and their current collaboration schemes with other centres. The results presented here specifically focus on one aspect of the survey: VET collaboration, [...]
B2B Marketplaces: 10 ways to improve a company’s performance
Our Skills4Smart TCLF 2030 partners are engaged in various initiatives and projects that aim at increasing the competitiveness of the European and national TCLF sectors. One of them – the Portuguese Footwear Technological Centre (CTCP) - pays special attention to the support both in terms of manufacturing and knowledge in the area of footwear and leather goods from their conception to the commercialization of products. In consequence of their activities, [...]
News No.6: Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030
Biannual Newsletter - December 2020. In this 6th Newsletter, you will learn how VET providers in the TCLF sectors can build a strong network promoting excellence, discover why education and vocational training are the perfect bridge to the beginning of an occupational career, find out about the courses given to learn new skills to identify the best way to reach targeted customers within the TCLF industries. Read our Newsletter here: [...]
Social & Environmental Report 2020: Education in the EU tanning industry
In a webinar organised on the 1st of December 2020, COTANCE and IndustriAll-Europe officially unveiled their second Social and Environmental Report for the European tanning industry. The EU-sponsored report is based on data collected amongst 79 European tanneries representing some 43% of total European leather production in volume. One of the key points the sector’s social partners made in this landmark report is on Education and Skills challenges and opportunities. [...]
What is VET Excellence?
The term “Excellence” is a broad concept which has been used for decades in relation to education to underline talent, engagement, and a striving for continuously improving education systems. During late 2018 and early 2019, the European Commission’s Education and Training 2020 Working Group, affiliated to the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, conducted an exercise to present and delineate the new concept of Centres of Vocational Excellence [...]
Webinar on VET Collaboration to restore growth in the TCLF sectors
On Tuesday 3rd of November 2020, the Skills 4 Smart project partners launched a webinar under the European Vocational Skills week, which brought together more than 100 participants interested in the outcomes of the series of online workshops that were held by the project in September and October 2020. During the webinar, project partners presented for the first time the conclusions from the analysis focused on the impact of the [...]
Towards a European network of VET providers: key findings
On October 2nd, S4TCLF’s partners held an international workshop titled “Towards a European network of VET providers”. This workshop aimed to gather VET providers to present the Skills4Smart project and convince them to enrol themselves in the piloting phase of the project. It was also an opportunity to present the project’s developments in terms of new curricula and occupation profiles, as well as direct and long-term implications of the Covid-19 [...]
Portugal promotes webinar about the future of professional training
On 24th of September Portuguese partners - CTCP and CITEVE - hosted a webinar called “Addressing a revolution in TCLF Training Education” as part of Erasmus+ Skills4SmartTCLF 2030 Blueprint Project, to present the project's developments, especially in terms of new qualifications for the sector and debate direct and long-term implications of COVID-19 in education and vocational training. This webinar was attended by representatives of the European Confederations, of the TCLF [...]
News No. 5: Presentation of the first Massive Open Online Courses
PRESENTATION OF THE FIRST MOOCs: New Massive Open Online Courses for the TCLF industries! Inside this news: S4TCLF in times of COVID-19 Presentation of the first MOOCs Interview with the Work Package leader Outcomes of the last Technical Meeting S4TCLF_Newsletter-n.5_EN S4TCLF_Newsletter n.5_ES S4TCLF_Newsletter n.5_PT
S4TCLF issues a position paper on the new EU Skills Agenda
31 August 2020 - The EU TCLF Industry Confederations and Skills4SmartTCLF Blueprint project consortium warmly welcome the new EU Skills Agenda and stand ready to engage in a Pact for Skills. The partners of the Erasmus+ Blueprint project Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030, led by the representative organisations of the Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear (TCLF) industries in Europe, welcome the new EU Skills Agenda published in July 2020. They also stand [...]
Open Your Mind – Country videos
The TCLF sector is present and established all over Europe, with various traditions and expertise that were cultivated over time. We asked a number of professionals, experts, and students from six different countries for their thoughts on the TCLF sector's present and future outlooks. Take a look at their interviews and tell us what you think. ITALY - A perceptive revolution will bring the younger generation closer to the footwear [...]
Open Your Mind – 7 Brochures
Download the brochures in the desired language: brochure-english brochure-german brochure-italiano brochure-polish brochure-portuguese brochure-romania brochure-spanish
Open Your Mind – 7 Leaflets
Download the leaflets in the desired language: leaflet-english leaflet-german leaflet-italiano leaflet-polish leaflet-portuguese leaflet-romania leaflet-spanish
Open your mind: What is the project about?
The "Blueprint for sectoral cooperation on skills: showcasing careers in the textile/clothing/leather/footwear sectors" was a project launched by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) and DG GROW on behalf of the European Commission. Its main objective was to build upon the work carried out by the Skills4Smart TCLF project under the Erasmus+ programme and support its activities in the area of boosting the attractiveness of the TCLF [...]
News No. 4: Rebranding the TCLF sectors
REBRANDING THE TCLF SECTORS: A Promotional Plan for the Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear Industries Inside this news: Beyond preconceived notions: A promotional Plan for the TCLF sectors TCLF Stakeholders commit: Spotlight on the TCLF best practices in recruitment and employment S4TCLF Second Public Event: All together to revitilise skills & jobs in the TCLF sectors S4TCLF_NEWS n.4 S4TCLF_NEWS n.4_PT
Press Release 4: “All together to revitalise skills and jobs in Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear sectors”
Get the PressRelease n.4 S4TCLF project the press release in English "All together to revitalise skills and jobs in Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear sectors" "The university is traditionally the place to educate students and develop knowledge, but today it serves as a hub for connecting people: students with companies, teachers with public authorities, a place where all sectoral stakeholders come together." This was the opening message of IDBM dean [...]
5th Meeting in Iasi, Romania
14th November 2019, Iasi, Romania The 5th technical meeting of the Project “Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030” was held in Iasi, Romania on 14th November 2019 at the premises of TUIASI with the participation of the project partners. The aim of the meeting was at first the overview of the project’s state of art, the activities implemented so far, the planning of the project’s next activities and steps and also the [...]
News No.3: Advancing at Full Steam
Advancing at Full Steam: A Skills Strategy for the TCLF sectors and the development of eight curricula. Inside this news: The S4TCLF partnership meets in Athens A sectoral skills strategy for the TLCF industry: Different scenarios Reviewing curricula of the 8 most needed TCLF occupations Consortium Partners & Contacts Newsletter in .pdf format in English and Italian!
4th Meeting in Athens, Greece
11 June 2019, HMA, Athens, Greece The 4th technical meeting of the Project “Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030” was held in Athens, Greece on 11th June 2019 at the premises of HMA with the participation of the project partners. The aim of the meeting was at first the overview of the project’s state, the activities implemented so far and the presentation of administrative and financial issues. Partners discussed about the ongoing WPs, [...]
8 Qualification Profiles for TCLF Smart Industry
We are happy to present you the 8 occupations selected within Skills 4 Smart TCLF Industries 2030, an Erasmus + Project, as the most needed in the Textile, Clothing, Leather, and Footwear (TCLF) sectors in Europe. Now we will focus on the development of their 8 curricula and training materials! Sustainability Technician (TCLF) (Digital) Supply Chain Analyst (TCLF) Digital Marketing Professional (TCLF) Process & Production Timeline Analyst (TCLF) Textile Technologist [...]
The TCLF Skills Challenge: 225 European companies have their say
First public webinar organised within Skills4Smart TCLF project! ?️ Tuesday, 21 May 2019 11am - 12pm CET
Register here: A large-scale survey on the training needs of 225 companies from the Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear industry in 9 European Member States in the autumn of 2018. That was the real start of an international partnership of 21 sectoral training centres and expert organisations. Starting this spring [...]
External: World Footwear Congress 2019, 3-5 April 2019, Naples, Italy
World Footwear Congress 2019 in Naples on 3rd-5th April 2019! An excellent venue for professionals of the footwear industry to learn about the latest changes and opportunities that companies can benefit from in a fast-changing economy and society. Get the Press release and the Agenda!
News No.2: Fashion World’s Challenge
Looking for Qualifications, Occupations…and the right skills in the TCLF sectors. “For many years our first priority was to win customers and to keep our mill busy. Now our first priority is to find (and retain) skilled employees.” SIMON COTTON, CEO OF JOHNSTONS OF ELGIN, SCOTTISH KNITWEAR MANUFACTURER NEWS N. 2 — MARCH 2019 Get the Newsletter in .pdf format in English and Portuguese!
External: Final Conference of the Erasmus+ project Digital TCLF Industries
The Final Conference of the project Digital Skills for Textile, Clothing Leather and Footwear Industries (Digital TCLF 2025) will be held in Brussels on the 8th February. The project aims at bringing updated digital skills to the European Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear (TCLF) sectors by identifying the skills needed to embrace the digitalisation in industrial production and increase the competitiveness of European companies. Get the factsheet here! Iratxe [...]
3rd Meeting in Porto, Portugal
22– 23 January 2019, CITEVE & CTCP, Porto, Portugal The 3rd technical meeting of the Project “Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030” was held in Porto, Portugal on the 22nd and 23rd January 2019 at the premises of CITEVE & CTCP with the participation of the project partners. The aim of the meeting was at first the presentation of the project’s state of the art, an overview of the activities implemented so [...]
Press Release 3: Fashion World’s Challenges – Looking for Qualification, Occupations …and the right skills in the TCLF sectors
Get the press release in .pdf format in English, Portuguese , Spanish and Greek. “For many years our first priority was to win customers and to keep our mill busy. Now our first priority is to find (and retain) skilled employees”. This brief quote of Simon Cotton, CEO of Johnstons of Elgin, Scottish knitwear manufacturer sums up superbly the main challenge that European Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear (TCLF) companies [...]
Public Event (Session I): Fashion World’s Challenges – Looking for Qualifications and Occupations
Here is the program for the Public Event (Session I) Fashion World's Challenges - Looking for Qualifications and Occupations on 22nd January 2019, in Porto, Portugal at CITEVE'S premises. Get the agenda here!
External: Final Conference of the TEXAPP Project
Skills for the Textile & Clothing Industry of the Future Final Conference of the TEXAPP Project 25 September 2018 Crowne Plaza Hotel Brussels Get the agenda here: TEXAPP conference
2nd Meeting in Elda, Spain
19 - 20 June 2018, INESCOP, Elda, Spain The 2nd transnational meeting of the Project “Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030” was held in Elda, Spain on the 19th and 20th June 2018 at the premises of INESCOP with the participation of the project partners. The aim of the meeting was at first the presentation of the project’s state of the art, an overview of the activities implemented so far and a [...]
Press Release 2: Blueprint “Skills4Smart TCLF 2030” Second Partners’ Meeting: Looking for Excellence in VET
Get the press release in .pdf format in English, Spanish, Greek and Portuguese. At a time when youth unemployment, ageing-workforce and skills shortage become some of the major challenges facing the Textile, Clothing, Leather, and Footwear (TCLF) sectors in many European countries, 21 private and public stakeholders from 9 different countries gathered together in an ambitious four-year project titled “Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030”, funded by the Erasmus+ programme. The upskilling [...]
Project factsheet and leaflet
The project factsheets and leaflets are here! Download the factsheets in the desired language: Download the leaflets in the desired language:
News No.1: Kicking off the TCLF Blueprint
Over 20 partners join to strengthen skill sets and employment of the European Fashion Industry. Download the newsletter here .
Kick-off Meeting in Brussels, Belgium
1-2 February 2018, EURATEX, Brussels, Belgium The kick-off meeting of the Project “Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030” was held in Brussels, on the 1st and 2nd February 2018 at the premises of EURATEX with the participation of the project partners. The aim of the meeting was the presentation of this ambitious project, the partnership, the activities it is consisted of and the main results expected. The meeting also attended [...]
Press Release 1: A Blueprint to Revitalise Skills and Jobs in the TCLF Sectors in Europe
Get the press release in .pdf format here. The need to anticipate and enhance adequate skills and learning methods as well as to attract and qualify workers has brought together 21 public and private stakeholders of the Textile, Clothing, Leather, and Footwear (TCLF) sectors under a strategic 4-year Erasmus+ project called “Skills4Smart TCLF”. The aim of the project is to create a robust and sustainable community of private and public [...]