Work packages description

Project Management and Administration

The Work Package I covers all the project management and administration tasks, aiming to ensure a smooth day to day running of the consortium and the workplan so that all project deliverables are delivered on time.

Work Package I also includes all management activities that are necessary to keep a good internal communication within the consortium members as well as providing a fluid communication channel between the partnership and the European Commission.

Besides, the project management monitors and progresses the implementation of the activities set out in the work plan. It also coordinates the planning of the project including the implementation of regular management and coordination meetings (both physical and virtual) and produces practical management documents such as minutes of the meetings, regular informative circulars to the partners, templates, official reporting to the Commission, etc.

Among the tasks included in the project management Work Package there is also the quality control of the deliverables, ensuring that all project products meet the quality expectations and that they are timely submitted to the European Commission. Likewise, it also must establish contingency plans for potential problems and procedures to handle any disputes or conflicts that may appear within the partnership.

Concretely, the specific tasks included in this Work Package are the following:

1) Preparation and creation of a Steering Committee and definition of the working rules

2) Setting-up of Collaboration Tools and Creation of an e-management platform under website

3) Coordination and monitoring (administrative and financial management)

4) Implementation of the evaluation and Quality Assurance Mechanisms (namely, the Project’s Quality Plan, the Internal evaluation of the quality of the results and the External evaluation of the quality of the results).

Mapping of education and maximisation of best practices

The charting and mobilising of VET stakeholders continues throughout the project. An overview of what exists in TCLF in terms of education and training services in Europe, can favour cooperation, exchange of experiences, learning from each other. The aim is to involve a broad field of VET stakeholders in the project in this sense. We analyse VET services, methodologies, and chart best practices, disclosing potential for new initiatives and cooperation.

This work package is a preliminary step for other work packages. The VET providers validate the educational contents delivered and are the key players in a future Network of VET providers. VET stakeholders can also be key in promotional and dissemination activities.

Labour market intelligence forms the foundation of the entire project. This is the reason behind the collection of all relevant EU, national and regional research outcomes and materials on skills and education.

R 1: Database of VET and Higher-Education providers in Europe

A comprehensive map that offers a clear view of who offers what training services in different European regions, and to start the necessary communication process with all relevant stakeholders. This outcome will be updated during project’s life.

R 2: Report with existing TCLF education programmes and courses in EU

A first report analysing the VET services, programs, methodologies, etc. existing in TCLF in EU.

R 3: Report on project results in TCLF at EU, national and regional level

A first report mapping the relevant project results in TCLF at EU/ national/ regional level.

R 4: Roadmap

A step-by-step plan for the involvement of stakeholders and companies in the next phases of the project.

Future needed skills and trends for the TCLF sectors

The aim of WP III “Future needed skills and trends for the TCLF sectors” is to detect, analyse and encode the data needed to understand both the education, training and work system, and the skills gaps in the professional profiles to create the conditions to support the development of a “Company 4.0”.

R 1: Analysis of the outcomes coming from the Skills Council Report

The output consists in reporting the outcomes that come from the European Skills Council – Textile Clothing Leather & Footwear, enlarged by a desk research on the main and most recent European and national reports, with the aim to identify the main drivers of change and the most changing occupations in the future.

R 2: Field research – Focus Groups & Interviews

The field research will be based on evidences from the different structures involved from all over Europe, through the support given:

– by TCLF companies, involved to confirm the starting results coming from R1;

– by VET providers, involved to validate the qualification profiles developed in parallel in WPVII.

R 3: Analysis and Validation of the outcomes coming from the Field Research using ESCO as reference

In this activity, all information are gathered (interviews, visits, questionnaires), the conclusions on the needs skills/competences and needed training for the TCLF sector are drafted and matched with ESCO system, and the final report is written, in accordance with the inputs from all partners.

R 4: Assessment of future skills needed and anticipation of skills shortage in TCLF

The research is be used by the partners and stakeholders in the assessment and definition of new profiles and correspondent training programs.

Monitoring Methodology

The main objectives of WP IV “Monitoring Methodology” are the following:

• To develop a common methodology for assessing the current situation and anticipating future needs as well as monitoring (on a yearly basis) progress and the evolution of the demand and supply of skills based on credible foresight scenarios

• To set up a Strategy for EU Member States

• To define indicators for monitoring the Action Plan and developments on VET systems as well project impact

R 1: Methodology for assessing and monitoring the current situation and the future needs of the TCLF sector

The designed and produced methodology will be presented in a theoretical document in which all the assumptions and the choices will be provided and discussed.

R 2: Ontological online glossary for data and indicators documentation

This tool will allow to define all used concepts (particularly those adopted in the focus groups in relation to ESCO) and will be the basis for a European language in the TCLF sector.

R 3: Strategy for EU Member States

The document will contain a strategy for the sector as far as qualifications and jobs are concerned.

Sectoral Skills Strategy

The main purpose of this Work Package is to support the objectives of the project by developing a strategy for the textile, clothing, leather and footwear industries in Europe in 2030. The strategy document is an outcome of the analysis conducted by the partners, focused on indicating a clear set of activities, milestones, and well-defined outputs. The main document of this work package – the Sectoral Skill Strategy – tackle such issues as the demand and supply for skills and jobs within the industry, forecasts of the employment figures for 2030, and possible scenarios for the future of the TCLF industries in Europe.

The specific tasks included in this Work Package are the following:

1) Establishment of the first draft of the Sectoral Skills Strategy that includes milestones, clear activities, and action plan

2) Creation of the map of funding opportunities based on the results of national surveys conducted among countries participating in the project

3) Meetings and interviews with relevant stakeholders

4) Production of Strategic Agreements templates that include the legal and strategic content for the industries

5) Creation of the final version of the Sectoral Skills Strategy with the strategy for the textile, clothing, leather and footwear industries for 2030

Attractiveness of TCLF

The main objective of WP VI “Attractiveness of the TCLF sectors” is to improve the attractiveness of these sectors toward all categories of stakeholders, from young people and their families to educational centres, employment and orientation services, financial institutions and policy makers at regional, national and EU level. The ultimate goal of this WP is to recruit and retain new skilled workforce, with a particular focus on youngsters.

R 1: A Promotional Plan for the TCLF sectors

The Promotional Plan lays out a new Sector Identity and a clear roadmap of activities, among which a communication campaign that will identify the best communication channels and tools and the best strategies to reach the different target groups.

R 2-3: Research Study of Best Practices and Initiatives at regional and national level for recruitment and employment in the TCLF sectors

This electronic document presents:

• Good practices (10) identified in recruitment/ employment in the TCLF sectors

• Criteria for selecting best practices among the good practices identified

• Case Study (5) presentation of the best practices

• Recommendations for shaping new sectoral identity and promotional plan

R 4: A network of TCLF VET providers in the EU: Memorandum of Understanding

This deliverable refers to the definition of the VET Network’s scope, objectives and activities. It also identifies engagement strategies for different stakeholders (Industry, Secondary Schools, Higher Education bodies and public entities) to encourage them to join in public/private partnerships in order to promote VET studies in the TCLF sectors.

R 5: A network of European Regions to promote skills and innovation in TCLF

The consortium works on building a network of regional authorities that support skills and employment based on the Smart Specialisation Platform on Industrial Modernisation.

For that purpose, partners develop an engagement plan where the scope of this network, its objectives, strategies and activities are defined, and where regional funding opportunities to support these industries will be identified.

The cooperation is formalised through a MoU signed by at least 6 regions from 6 different EU Member States.

Design VET Curricula for TCLF profiles

The goal of WP VII “Design VET Curricula for TCLF profiles” is to define, implement and evaluate all necessary actions for designing VET curricula and developing related training contents in articulation with EQF, ECVET and EQAVET to meet the training needs identified, for 8 selected professional profiles and to look for the recognition and transferability within the entire TCLF industry. The curricula and training content are developed for:

• 4 new / updated profiles for each of the 4 sectors: 1 for textile, 1 for clothing, 1 for leather and 1 or footwear

• 4 new / transferred transversal profiles that will be common to the 4 sectors

The VET curricula are targeted to all education and training entities and other agents related to training/employment that provide training for TCLF sectors. Regarding methodology, partners decided to develop curricula and training contents that combine various pedagogical approaches and training methodologies, such as online training based on MOOCs, as well classical education in VET schools and work-based learning in TCLF companies.

R 1: Qualification Profiles for TCLF Smart Industry 2050

The Qualification Profiles are delivered in a document consisting of a description of 8 newest relevant profiles for TCLF in terms of core competences, job related professional skills and competences, qualifications, and working environment including responsibilities and level of autonomy/decision taking.

R 2: Training Curricula for TCLF Qualification Profiles

The product consists of the Training Curricula and a certification’s strategy aiming to meet the development of all necessary skills and competences for 8 qualification profiles. It provides the articulation of the learning outcomes following the criteria of transferability and recognition in the European TCLF sectors.

R 3: Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for the TCLF industry

This result consists in packages of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for 8 new qualification profiles from the TCLF sector, which are freely accessible via the web and openly licensed, with a strong use of simulation and real-life situations.

R 4: Tutorial Toolkit for Teachers/trainers

This project result consists of a comprehensive package of 4 tutorials for trainers and VET teachers working as facilitators of the learning process, based on the developed curricula, both in MOOCs and in WBL.

Pilot Implementation (Delivering Educational Curricula)

The purpose of piloting a curriculum is to make sure the curriculum is effective, and to make changes before it is distributed or offered widely. Once having the 8 VET curricula developed, it is time to test those curricula in a real environment. In WP VIII “Pilot Implementation (Delivering Educational Curricula)”, one important task is related to the continuous pedagogical evaluation of the pilot implementation in a way to ensure that the VET curricula developed match the TCLF needed profiles.

R 1: Pilot Implementation Reports

In the reports, an overall description of what was learned from the Pilot Implementation will be described from the preparatory measures to the pilot itself. This report will have results from all curricula applied in TCLF industry, it is expected to describe in detail the methodology used, and the outcomes achieved.

R 2: Evaluation of the Pilots – Summary Report

This Summary Report presents the key findings from the evaluation of the pilot implementation in each of the partners’ countries.

R 3: Reports with adjustment measures for the VET curriculums

For each of the VET curricula developed (8 in total) partners will develop a report stating what was the analyses coming from the evaluation phase and what are the changes needed to operate so that the curriculum matches the training needs.

Quality & evaluation: skills recognition mechanisms

The main objectives of WP IX “Quality & evaluation skills recognition mechanisms” are the following:

• To evaluate and assess the quality of the 8 curricula developed

• To ensure the certification of the tested curricula by the national recognition authorities (ECVET recognition) for each state member of the project

• To define a TCLF VET Quality Label

R 1: Summary report on meetings with national certification authorities

This report includes a summary of the contacts carried out with the national certification agencies and the information provided to them, as well as a detailed description of the feedback obtained, and the steering actions carried out in case that they were necessary.

R 2: Report on the Quality Assessment results per each curriculum

This Summary Report presents the outcome of the Quality Assessment tasks carried out per curricula, including the evaluations done and their compliance with the recommendations of Cedefop, especially describing the methods and stakeholders involved during the process.

R 3: Definition of TCFL VET curricula quality label

This document is describing the quality label defined to identify innovative VET curricula aligned with TCLF industry needs.

Dissemination actions

The main objective of WP X “Dissemination actions” is to maximise the spread of the project results to the target sector’s stakeholders, potential users and final users, through the creation of marketing channels and well- structured dissemination activities.

R 1: Definition of a Dissemination Plan and Reporting on Dissemination Activities

The dissemination plan describes and outlines the project’s Dissemination Strategy and also the activities which will be implemented by the partnership for the promotion of the project’s results. The plan also aims to present the dissemination strategy which will be followed by the partnership during the whole lifetime of the project and beyond.

Besides, all partners produce periodic status reports once every 6 months, presenting the progress of the dissemination activities implemented and providing evidence of those activities.

R 2: Project Branding

The deliverable is the project logo, which appears on the project website and all the printed and electronic material related to the project.

R 3: Creation of the Project’s Website and Digital Marketing Tools

The website of the project contains all the information related to the project itself and follows the development of the project by publishing the news related to the project, advertising the upcoming events and promoting the deliverables produced.

R 4: Creation of Promotional Material for the Dissemination of the Project Results to Stakeholders

The promotional material includes the following:

• 8 e-newsletters in EN (All partners, 2 per Year)

• The project leaflet (EN, ES, IT, FR, PT, BG, PL, RO, GR)

• Design and production of the project’s factsheet (EN, ES, IT, FR, PT, BG, PL, RO, GR)

• Design and creation of a project’s brochure for each new profile and training programme (EN & Translated to at least 6 partners’ languages)

• Publication of 4 press releases (one per partner per year)

• Creation of project roll-up (one per country)

• Creation of the project’s poster (EN & Translated to at least 6 partners’ languages)

R 5: Organisation of 4 yearly Public Events for the Dissemination of the Project Outcomes

• The 1st event, held in Portugal is organised by CITEVE, and focuses on the mapping report.

• The 2nd event, organised in Romania by TUIASI focuses on the training curricula.

• The 3rd event, held in Italy is organised by CIAPE. Its main purpose is to publicly present the pilot results.

• The 4th and final event, held in Brussels is organised by EURATEX, the Project Coordinator. The objective of the conference will be to present the project results to the public.

European Fashion Campus

The main objective of WP XI “European Fashion Campus” is to concretely aggregate the main project results in the best possible manner, to facilitate access to knowledge and VET curricula developed to all EU new potential incomers wanting to enter the TCLF sector, as well as other interested public and private entities. A Virtual Campus will represent the first materialisation of the EU Fashion Campus and will aggregate all the most updated VET knowledge and information necessary to pursue a career in the TCLF sector.

R 1: EFC Network: preliminary structure

The deliverable includes the set-up of a EFC Network for the sector pooling the assets of VET organizations, universities, SMEs and large companies together.

R 2: European Fashion Campus: concept and detailed business plan

The report is a detailed concept and Business plan for a Virtual and possibly a physical Campus, discussed with relevant stakeholders and therefore approved.

R 3: EU Fashion Virtual Campus

The deliverable consists the first materialization of EU Fashion Campus, with structure definition, contents, target groups, and links with other skills and employment initiatives, which are useful to pursue a career in the TCLF sector, and will also serve promoting a Smart image of the sector.

R 4: EFC Network: final structure, implemented

This is the final version of the EFC.

R 5: EFC Event

The event will be held close to the end of the project, with the participation of delegates of all different stakeholders’ categories identified, where the EFC will be described in detail to the general public and the press.

Sustainability Action Plan

Within the WP XII, project partners will design the Sustainability Action Plan for the TCLF sectors, an industry-led long-term action plan for the progressive roll-out of S4TCLF Blueprint deliverables after the project has finished. This will be possible thanks to the strengthened cooperation between education and training providers and key industry stakeholders at European, national and regional level committed to supporting skills development and employment opportunities within a pan-European strategy.