
Home/Tag: Erasmus+

Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters for the Leather industry

2022-03-24T11:42:40+01:00May 4th, 2022|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , |

The LEATECH project coordinated by the Universidad de Lleida (Spain) under the Erasmus programme is a spin-off of the S4TCLF project. For the time being, it is a small project that is meant to coordinate and prepare a number of Higher Educational Institutes (HEI) to qualify in a subsequent submission for a full-fledged Erasmus Mundus project to implement a joint Masters in the leather industry. The current LEATECH project will reinforce the opportunities of three EU HEIs (UdL-Spain, ITECH-France, EGE-Turkey) and one academic institution from a partner country (CIATEC-Mexico) to achieve a successful Erasmus Mundus project application. Developing an innovative Joint [...]

Press Release: The Network of European TCLF VET providers takes off!

2021-04-30T17:21:52+02:00April 16th, 2021|Categories: Project communication|Tags: , , , |

On the 14th April, 2021, the 22 members of the European Network of TCLF VET providers promoting Excellence met virtually for the first time to exchange ideas and priorities for joint action. This initiative, conducted within the framework of the Erasmus+ Skills4Smart TCLF industries 2030 Blueprint (S4TCLF), brings together European Vocational and Training (VET) institutions to further strengthen Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear (TCLF) skills provision in Europe through the implementation of ambitious joint actions. In such a moment of crisis and global economic downturn, many TCLF SMEs find it increasingly difficult to remain afloat, while unemployment rates are staggering, putting [...]

Fostering Academia-Industry Collaboration

2021-04-30T17:37:06+02:00March 23rd, 2021|Categories: Events|Tags: , , , , |

FOSTERING TEXTILE ACADEMIA-INDUSTRY COLLABORATION FOR TEXTILE AND LEATHER INDUSTRIES : EXAMPLES FROM ERASMUS+ PROJECTS Relationships between academia and industry are very important for all the industrial sectors and particularly on the TCLF. A good connection between industry and academia can create the necessary synergies to create innovations, to revise the curricula and adapt them to the needs of the industry, to promote the education centers as focal points in the TCLFs industries, and to promote entrepreneurial activities among the students to contribute as catalysts of innovation for TCLF sectors, among others. It is then of crucial importance to fulfill the knowledge triangle, [...]

Webinar on VET Collaboration to restore growth in the TCLF sectors

2021-05-03T09:44:09+02:00November 10th, 2020|Categories: Articles, Events|Tags: , , , , , |

On Tuesday 3rd of November 2020, the Skills 4 Smart project partners launched a webinar under the European Vocational Skills week, which brought together more than 100 participants interested in the outcomes of the series of online workshops that were held by the project in September and October 2020. During the webinar, project partners presented for the first time the conclusions from the analysis focused on the impact of the COVID-19 on VET providers in TCLF industries. Likewise, they presented the results of the survey conducted with European VET providers which aimed at establishing the first steps to develop a Network [...]

News No. 5: Presentation of the first Massive Open Online Courses

2021-05-04T08:59:49+02:00September 15th, 2020|Categories: Project communication|Tags: , , , , , , |

PRESENTATION OF THE FIRST MOOCs: New Massive Open Online Courses for the TCLF industries! Inside this news: S4TCLF in times of COVID-19 Presentation of the first MOOCs Interview with the Work Package leader Outcomes of the last Technical Meeting S4TCLF_Newsletter-n.5_EN S4TCLF_Newsletter n.5_ES S4TCLF_Newsletter n.5_PT  

Open your mind: What is the project about?

2021-05-03T10:08:13+02:00April 12th, 2020|Categories: What is the project about?|Tags: , , , , |

The "Blueprint for sectoral cooperation on skills: showcasing careers in the textile/clothing/leather/footwear sectors" was a project launched by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) and DG GROW on behalf of the European Commission. Its main objective was to build upon the work carried out by the Skills4Smart TCLF project under the Erasmus+ programme and support its activities in the area of boosting the attractiveness of the TCLF sectors. The project aimed at strengthening the strategic cooperation among key actors in the TCLF industry (businesses, trade unions, research, education and training institutions, public authorities) by implementing concrete actions to [...]

News No. 4: Rebranding the TCLF sectors

2021-05-04T09:01:08+02:00December 19th, 2019|Categories: Project communication|Tags: , , , , , |

REBRANDING THE TCLF SECTORS: A Promotional Plan for the Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear Industries Inside this news: Beyond preconceived notions: A promotional Plan for the TCLF sectors TCLF Stakeholders commit: Spotlight on the TCLF best practices in recruitment and employment S4TCLF Second Public Event: All together to revitilise skills & jobs in the TCLF sectors S4TCLF_NEWS n.4 S4TCLF_NEWS n.4_PT

Press Release 4: “All together to revitalise skills and jobs in Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear sectors” 

2021-05-03T10:11:10+02:00November 27th, 2019|Categories: Project communication|Tags: , , , , |

Get the PressRelease n.4 S4TCLF project the press release in English "All together to revitalise skills and jobs in Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear sectors" "The university is traditionally the place to educate students and develop knowledge, but today it serves as a hub for connecting people: students with companies, teachers with public authorities, a place where all sectoral stakeholders come together." This was the opening message of IDBM dean Mariana Ursache at the second Public event of the Skills4Smart TCLF 2030 project (S4TCLF) held at the Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iaşi (Romania) on 15th November 2019. This event, focusing [...]

5th Meeting in Iasi, Romania

2021-05-03T10:12:23+02:00November 27th, 2019|Categories: Articles, Events|Tags: , , , |

14th November 2019, Iasi, Romania The 5th technical meeting of the Project “Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030” was held in Iasi, Romania on 14th November 2019 at the premises of TUIASI with the participation of the project partners. The aim of the meeting was at first the overview of the project’s state of art, the activities implemented so far, the planning of the project’s next activities and steps and also the presentation of administrative and financial issues, focusing on the submission of the Project’s Interim Report within January 2020. Also, Ms. Vyte Ezerskiene from the European Commission intervened during the meeting and provided [...]

News No.3: Advancing at Full Steam

2021-05-04T09:03:20+02:00July 18th, 2019|Categories: Project communication|Tags: , , , , , |

Advancing at Full Steam: A Skills Strategy for the TCLF sectors and the development of eight curricula. Inside this news: The S4TCLF partnership meets in Athens A sectoral skills strategy for the TLCF industry: Different scenarios Reviewing curricula of the 8 most needed TCLF occupations Consortium Partners & Contacts Newsletter in .pdf format in English and Italian!

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