Home/Tag: TCLF

The need of an innovative-based curriculum in the TCLF industries

2021-06-11T10:11:52+02:00June 10th, 2021|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , , |

Designing an innovative TCLF curriculum, responding to present and future needs of employers is key to sectoral economic development. This article proposes a curriculum development model that should be a part of the education and training ecosystem that is in line with future needs [1] After a digital and industrial revolution The emerging professions have to take into consideration all  consequences related tothe digital transformation and of the Industrial Revolution 4.0  that leave and impact on the economy, in particular  on the TCLF industries. What plays crucial role? Technology changes of how people learn. By improving access for learners to Massive [...]

Workshop: European Network of TCLF VET providers promoting Excellence

2021-06-04T08:31:21+02:00June 4th, 2021|Categories: |Tags: , , , |

Members of the TCLF VET Network have confirmed their priorities for joint action for the next S4STCLF 2030 VET workshop on June 29th. Recognising the fast-moving TCLF industries, our participants stressed actions to support several initiatives. Train the Trainers International Mobility TCLF activities for teen Work-based learning New Teaching & Learning tools. This second workshop will take place on Tuesday, the 29th of June 2020 from 02:30 to 05:00pm.

Online learning for the TCLF industries: how to design a course?

2021-05-27T10:37:39+02:00May 27th, 2021|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , , , |

What are MOOCs? Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are online web courses with open access and unlimited participation. MOOCs provide static and dynamic course materials such as video lectures, readings, case studies and problem sets. They also include interactive user forums that help build a community for the students and teachers in a strong peer-learning approach combined with automatic assessment features that give immediate feedback to the students. Because of the potential massive enrolment of students, MOOCs require specific instructional design procedures to facilitate large-scale interaction, feedback and assessment but also to cope with the restrains (personal or professional) of the [...]

How has Covid-19 changed consumers’ expectations and buying practices?

2021-05-19T11:37:16+02:00May 17th, 2021|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , , , , |

COVID-19 deeply changed consumer behaviour. With the right skills and opportune approach TCLF companies can benefit from it.  The scale and length of the COVID-19 sanitary and economic crisis have had a profound impact on everyone’s lives. Millions of people have been asked to stay at home to slow down the pandemic. In Europe, government health and safety measures have incurred the closing of workplaces, schools, and many businesses. The ensuing economic downturn has negatively affected the finances of many Europeans, and the enduring lockdowns have incurred drastic lifestyle changes. A combination of economic uncertainty and lifestyle changes have changed what [...]

Press release: Becoming a Young Professional in the TCLF industries

2021-05-07T11:41:43+02:00May 7th, 2021|Categories: Project communication|Tags: , , , , |

Between February and April, over 600 14-18 year olds from Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal and Romania took part in ‘Your First Step in TCLF’ virtual career and opportunity orientations webinars, introducing them to these sectors, relevant contributors to the European economy. The spring of 2021 has seen a concerted, virtual, effort to attract new talent to the European Textiles, Clothing, Leather and Footwear (TCLF) sectors by the partners of the Erasmus+ Skills4Smart TCLF industries 2030 Blueprint (S4TCLF 2030) project. In 2019, the TCLF industries generated more than E200 billion in turnover and directly employ more than 2 million European workers across almost [...]

Press Release: The Network of European TCLF VET providers takes off!

2021-04-30T17:21:52+02:00April 16th, 2021|Categories: Project communication|Tags: , , , |

On the 14th April, 2021, the 22 members of the European Network of TCLF VET providers promoting Excellence met virtually for the first time to exchange ideas and priorities for joint action. This initiative, conducted within the framework of the Erasmus+ Skills4Smart TCLF industries 2030 Blueprint (S4TCLF), brings together European Vocational and Training (VET) institutions to further strengthen Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear (TCLF) skills provision in Europe through the implementation of ambitious joint actions. In such a moment of crisis and global economic downturn, many TCLF SMEs find it increasingly difficult to remain afloat, while unemployment rates are staggering, putting [...]

Fostering Academia-Industry Collaboration

2021-04-30T17:37:06+02:00March 23rd, 2021|Categories: Events|Tags: , , , , |

FOSTERING TEXTILE ACADEMIA-INDUSTRY COLLABORATION FOR TEXTILE AND LEATHER INDUSTRIES : EXAMPLES FROM ERASMUS+ PROJECTS Relationships between academia and industry are very important for all the industrial sectors and particularly on the TCLF. A good connection between industry and academia can create the necessary synergies to create innovations, to revise the curricula and adapt them to the needs of the industry, to promote the education centers as focal points in the TCLFs industries, and to promote entrepreneurial activities among the students to contribute as catalysts of innovation for TCLF sectors, among others. It is then of crucial importance to fulfill the knowledge triangle, [...]

What are the educational needs of the TCLF sectors?

2021-04-30T18:00:59+02:00March 10th, 2021|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , , , , |

Discover how companies and SMEs of the TCLF sectors have evolved since 1995, what are the most significant challenges faced by the TCLF sectors in EU, and what is the strategy for matching the skills offer of VET and Lifelong Learning with the needs of the market in EU, with a focus on the case of Greece. In 2019, a total of 6.080 companies were active in the Textile - Clothing - Leather - Footwear (TCLF) sectors in Greece.           The TCLF companies employed a total of 27.500 employees. Most employees were in clothing (14.700 individuals), followed [...]

Apprenticeship: A mechanism to match skills supply and demand

2021-04-30T18:04:09+02:00February 22nd, 2021|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , |

What is an apprenticeship? Apprenticeships are a form of work-based learning. Although existing apprenticeship schemes in Europe differ between the Members States, the Council Recommendation on a European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships [1] offers a unified definition of the key elements that distinguish apprenticeships from other work-based learning schemes. A formal apprenticeship scheme must: Lead to nationally-recognised qualifications, Combine learning in education or training institutions with work-based learning in companies, Be based on an agreement defining the rights and obligations of the apprentice, the employer, and, where appropriate, the VET institution Be financially compensated for the work-based component. Why are [...]

Youngsters from Italy discovering the TCLF career opportunities

2021-05-07T09:19:55+02:00February 22nd, 2021|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , |

 The sooner young people are able to design their own professional project, the easier it will be for them to choose and succeed, first at school and then professionally.  It is difficult for youngsters to understand what they are best at, what skills they have and what career paths will enable them to express their talents and fulfil their expectations and dreams. With an advantage for the economic and social system: less risk of dropping out and better performance in the workplace. Orientation is therefore a fundamental strategic lever, not only for young people but for the entire economic and social system.  Helping youngsters choose the most suitable study and career path for their ambitions [...]

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