

    Press Release: S4S TCLF 2030 Final Conference

    2022-06-22T11:02:23+02:00June 21st, 2022|Categories: Events|Tags: , |

    After four years and a half, the Blueprint Project "Skills4Smart TCLF 2030" which aimed to enhance the modernisation and competitiveness of the European TCLF sectors by developing a sustainable upskilling and reskilling strategy, has finally concluded. The Final Conference that took place last Thursday, 16th of June 2022, at the Renaissance Brussels Hotel and also streamed online, presented the outcomes of this ambitious project, highlighting the Sectoral Skills Strategy for the Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear released on the same week. Read all about this event on the following link: PressRelease-Final Conference-S4TCLF-project  

      Digital skills and qualified technicians – key needs of the TCLF industries in the future.

      2022-02-04T19:26:15+01:00January 30th, 2022|Categories: Articles, Events|Tags: , , , , , |

      Numerous contributions were made during the international conference entitled "The future of Fashion industry: innovations, scenarios, strategies and skills in the textile, clothing, leather and footwear" which took place on 12 January at Fortezza da Basso in Florence, within the evocative setting of Pitti Uomo.   60 participants physically present, 377 in live streaming with connections from Portugal, France, Belgium, Spain, Romania, Germany, Poland, Greece, Sweden, Hungary, Czech Republic, United States, Brazil, Netherlands, Russia, Ukraine, UK, Armenia, South Africa. Among these, about 70 fashion-oriented high schools that participated with the students, for a total of over 2000 people who attended the [...]

      Digital Skills and qualified technicians. The main needs of TCLF industry of the future.

      2022-01-25T12:36:50+01:00January 15th, 2022|Categories: Events|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

      Numerous contributions were made during the international conference entitled "The future of Fashion industry: innovations, scenarios, strategies and skills in the textile-clothing-leather-footwear" which took place on 12 January at Fortezza da Basso in Florence, within the evocative setting of Pitti Uomo.   60 participants physically present, 377 in live streaming with connections from Portugal, France, Belgium, Spain, Romania, Germany, Poland, Greece, Sweden, Hungary, Czech Republic, United States, Brazil, Netherlands, Russia, Ukraine, UK, Armenia, South Africa. Among these, about 70 fashion-oriented high schools that participated with the students, for a total of over 2000 people who attended the event. Pitti Immagine and [...]

        Meet-up of R3iLab: UNITEX intervention on Skills4Smart TCLF project

        2021-07-12T17:55:38+02:00July 12th, 2021|Categories: Events|Tags: , , , |

        Laurence Allois, as Project Manager for France of the Skills4Smart TCLF project, was invited as a speaker during the meet-up organized by the R3iLab. The event place on June 23 and had for purpose to discuss (How to) "Attract, train and motivate the new talents in TCLF industries”. If you missed the event, here is a short breakdown of the meet-up with some resources. Four important themes were discussed during the meeting: The results of the work carried out within the framework of the European project Skills4SmartTCLF2030 by Laurence Allois from Unitex. The emerging needs for businesses in the TCLF industries; [...]

        Fostering Academia-Industry Collaboration

        2021-04-30T17:37:06+02:00March 23rd, 2021|Categories: Events|Tags: , , , , |

        FOSTERING TEXTILE ACADEMIA-INDUSTRY COLLABORATION FOR TEXTILE AND LEATHER INDUSTRIES : EXAMPLES FROM ERASMUS+ PROJECTS Relationships between academia and industry are very important for all the industrial sectors and particularly on the TCLF. A good connection between industry and academia can create the necessary synergies to create innovations, to revise the curricula and adapt them to the needs of the industry, to promote the education centers as focal points in the TCLFs industries, and to promote entrepreneurial activities among the students to contribute as catalysts of innovation for TCLF sectors, among others. It is then of crucial importance to fulfill the knowledge triangle, [...]

          Webinar on VET Collaboration to restore growth in the TCLF sectors

          2021-05-03T09:44:09+02:00November 10th, 2020|Categories: Articles, Events|Tags: , , , , , |

          On Tuesday 3rd of November 2020, the Skills 4 Smart project partners launched a webinar under the European Vocational Skills week, which brought together more than 100 participants interested in the outcomes of the series of online workshops that were held by the project in September and October 2020. During the webinar, project partners presented for the first time the conclusions from the analysis focused on the impact of the COVID-19 on VET providers in TCLF industries. Likewise, they presented the results of the survey conducted with European VET providers which aimed at establishing the first steps to develop a Network [...]

            Towards a European network of VET providers: key findings

            2021-05-03T09:46:35+02:00October 28th, 2020|Categories: Articles, Events|Tags: , , , , , |

            On October 2nd, S4TCLF’s partners held an international workshop titled “Towards a European network of VET providers”. This workshop aimed to gather VET providers to present the Skills4Smart project and convince them to enrol themselves in the piloting phase of the project. It was also an opportunity to present the project’s developments in terms of new curricula and occupation profiles, as well as direct and long-term implications of the Covid-19 crisis in education and vocational training. This webinar was attended by over 40 people from 12 countries, representing VET providers, organisations representing the TCLF industries on a national level, and companies. [...]

              5th Meeting in Iasi, Romania

              2021-05-03T10:12:23+02:00November 27th, 2019|Categories: Articles, Events|Tags: , , , |

              14th November 2019, Iasi, Romania The 5th technical meeting of the Project “Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030” was held in Iasi, Romania on 14th November 2019 at the premises of TUIASI with the participation of the project partners. The aim of the meeting was at first the overview of the project’s state of art, the activities implemented so far, the planning of the project’s next activities and steps and also the presentation of administrative and financial issues, focusing on the submission of the Project’s Interim Report within January 2020. Also, Ms. Vyte Ezerskiene from the European Commission intervened during the meeting and provided [...]

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              4th Meeting in Athens, Greece

              2021-04-30T16:02:39+02:00June 13th, 2019|Categories: Articles, Events|Tags: , , , |

              11 June 2019, HMA, Athens, Greece The 4th technical meeting of the Project “Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030” was held in Athens, Greece on 11th June 2019 at the premises of HMA with the participation of the project partners. The aim of the meeting was at first the overview of the project’s state, the activities implemented so far and the presentation of administrative and financial issues. Partners discussed about the ongoing WPs, which are WP III Future needed skills and trends for the TCLF sector and WP VII Design VET Curricula for TCLF needed profiles. In addition, partners exchanged views on the WP [...]

                The TCLF Skills Challenge: 225 European companies have their say

                2021-05-03T10:19:33+02:00May 8th, 2019|Categories: Articles, Events|Tags: , , |

                First public webinar organised within Skills4Smart TCLF project! ?️ Tuesday, 21 May 2019 ⏲️ 11am - 12pm CET ✍️ Register here: A large-scale survey on the training needs of 225 companies from the Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear industry in 9 European Member States in the autumn of 2018. That was the real start of an international partnership of 21 sectoral training centres and expert organisations. Starting this spring 2019, we will be working on updated and new training content to support the competitiveness of the TCLF. The courses will be offered throughout Europe. Sustainability, digital skills, e-commerce and the [...]

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