

    Collaboration between companies and VET in training activities

    2022-03-24T11:48:19+01:00June 1st, 2022|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , , |

    Collaboration between companies and high schools has been lately an important type of partnership.  The advantages of this type of collaboration appears on both side. Companies can access the pool of young and talented workforce and influence their education while students get free teaching and learning materials as well as early work experience, which in the future may result in more attractive job offers. These collaborations between schools and companies are very important for the creation of long-lasting partnerships. Alternanza Scuola Laboro During their school year, students work as interns in companies for a few months. This project, so called “Alternanza [...]

      Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters for the Leather industry

      2022-03-24T11:42:40+01:00May 4th, 2022|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , |

      The LEATECH project coordinated by the Universidad de Lleida (Spain) under the Erasmus programme is a spin-off of the S4TCLF project. For the time being, it is a small project that is meant to coordinate and prepare a number of Higher Educational Institutes (HEI) to qualify in a subsequent submission for a full-fledged Erasmus Mundus project to implement a joint Masters in the leather industry. The current LEATECH project will reinforce the opportunities of three EU HEIs (UdL-Spain, ITECH-France, EGE-Turkey) and one academic institution from a partner country (CIATEC-Mexico) to achieve a successful Erasmus Mundus project application. Developing an innovative Joint [...]

        Companies’ reinvention post Covid-19

        2022-03-24T11:40:30+01:00April 20th, 2022|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , , |

        Covid-19 impact on supply chain and business – how to reinvent businesses after Covid-19 COVID-19 has disrupted supply chains, with challenges waiting on every step on the way: sourcing raw material for production and logistics, manufacturing during plant shutdowns and in respect to social distancing rules, reduced warehouse operations, transportation restrictions and many others This gives a chance to create new business models and integrate the value organizations provide into a new societal landscape. It is time to transform businesses by including new approaches as well as technology and responsible leadership. What was the impact of Covid-19 on the value chain? [...]

          MOOCS and the TCLF industries

          2022-03-24T11:37:51+01:00April 6th, 2022|Categories: Articles|Tags: , |

          The number of MOOCs available for the TCLF industries is relatively small and only a few isolated examples are available. Here are a few (free) successful cases: Manager of an Innovative Leather Company - This MOOC analyses current management processes in the Leather Industry and shows how to improve them to develop an innovative company. The MOOC focus on aspects such as innovation management, leather processes development, standardization and quality control, environmental impact of the tannng industries, health and safety at work and other personal and transversal skills. The course lasts for eight weeks, seven corresponding to the different modules and a [...]

            Self-reliance of workers in practice

            2022-03-24T11:25:48+01:00March 24th, 2022|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , |

            20 years of experiences with an individual learning account in the Belgian clothing industry Introduction In the framework of the European Commission Work Programme 2021, one of the New Policy Objectives is to assess the possible impact of an Individual Learning Account. This plan is part of the follow-up to the European Education Area and the updated skills agenda. Maybe most interesting, the learning account fits in promoting our European Way of Life, one of the six major policy objectives. We would rather expect a learning account in a socio-economic atmosphere, oriented to the labor market, but it can certainly be [...]

              Digital skills and qualified technicians – key needs of the TCLF industries in the future.

              2022-02-04T19:26:15+01:00January 30th, 2022|Categories: Articles, Events|Tags: , , , , , |

              Numerous contributions were made during the international conference entitled "The future of Fashion industry: innovations, scenarios, strategies and skills in the textile, clothing, leather and footwear" which took place on 12 January at Fortezza da Basso in Florence, within the evocative setting of Pitti Uomo.   60 participants physically present, 377 in live streaming with connections from Portugal, France, Belgium, Spain, Romania, Germany, Poland, Greece, Sweden, Hungary, Czech Republic, United States, Brazil, Netherlands, Russia, Ukraine, UK, Armenia, South Africa. Among these, about 70 fashion-oriented high schools that participated with the students, for a total of over 2000 people who attended the [...]

                How to communicate sustainability?

                2021-11-29T14:03:31+01:00November 22nd, 2021|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , , , |

                The fashion world has changed. Today’s consumer is aware, critical, and increasingly demanding regarding the origins of products of the manufacturing industry, in particular in the area of clothing and footwear goods. Their main concerns are the origin and quality of leather or textile, human rights, and safe working conditions are just some of the questions raised by consumers. It is undeniable that there is increasing critical curiosity, essential to generate a purchase decision more aligned with individual concerns about the use of natural resources and the well-being of the people working in the fashion industry. However, the multiplicity and complexity [...]

                  Traceability & Transparency in the TCLF industries

                  2021-11-18T16:39:29+01:00November 18th, 2021|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , , |

                  What do these terms mean? Traceability is the capacity to track and trace a product to its origin, and Transparency is the level of public disclosure of the suppliers in a given value chain. They have become key concepts among apparel and footwear suppliers where value chains are highly complex, and the skills required in this are very specific.    Why do we need this? Today’s consumers have become increasingly demanding. Now more and more of them want to have the peace of mind that the pair of shoes or the jacket or the nice little skirt bought in the high street shop has been [...]

                    (Re)discover the textile industry: Attracting students through virtual fairs and games

                    2021-12-03T16:54:45+01:00October 4th, 2021|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , |

                    One of the objectives of the Skills4Smart TCLF industries 2030 project is to enhance the attractiveness of the sector to engage newcomers. The TCLF industries are in desperate need for skilled workers and the textile sector is no exception. In Belgium, employment in the textile industry has been stable in recent years and investments have increased. The sector can count on dedicated employees, but the downside is that the average age in the sector is high and there is and will be an unprecedented outflow of human capital in the coming years. On the other hand, there is little influx of [...]

                      Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) in the footwear industry.

                      2021-09-27T11:24:35+02:00September 22nd, 2021|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , |

                      The SDGs at a glance In 2015, the UN approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, an international agreement signed by 193 countries, which means an opportunity for countries and their societies to embark on a new path towards a better and more sustainable future. This initiative seeks to address the global challenges the world is facing, from eradicating POVERTY and reducing INEQUALITY, to reversing CLIMATE CHANGE and ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION, among others. This is how the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) came about, which in turn include 169 action targets, which will be measured through a general framework of 230 indicators [...]

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