

Recent trends in TCLF VET collaboration in Europe

2021-05-03T17:40:02+02:00January 20th, 2021|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , |

In autumn 2020, the S4TCLF project launched a survey of European TCLF VET providers as a first step toward the establishment of a Network of EU TCLF VET providers promoting Excellence. The survey identifies the scope of VET providers’ activities, how they function and are governed, their interests and their current collaboration schemes with other centres. The results presented here specifically focus on one aspect of the survey: VET collaboration, which is the basis to successfully build-up the future Network. A few words about our sample Graph 1: Geographical origin of respondents (N=94) The survey was administered through an online questionnaire [...]

B2B Marketplaces: 10 ways to improve a company’s performance

2021-05-03T09:16:32+02:00January 15th, 2021|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , |

Our Skills4Smart TCLF 2030 partners are engaged in various initiatives and projects that aim at increasing the competitiveness of the European and national TCLF sectors. One of them – the Portuguese Footwear Technological Centre (CTCP) - pays special attention to the support both in terms of manufacturing and knowledge in the area of footwear and leather goods from their conception to the commercialization of products. In consequence of their activities, CTCP shares with us a few tips to improve the company’s performance. The main focus of a brand or company that intends to start a B2B e-commerce project is to increase [...]

Social & Environmental Report 2020: Education in the EU tanning industry

2021-05-03T09:37:10+02:00December 17th, 2020|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , , , |

In a webinar organised on the 1st of December 2020, COTANCE and IndustriAll-Europe officially unveiled their second Social and Environmental Report for the European tanning industry. The EU-sponsored report is based on data collected amongst 79 European tanneries representing some 43% of total European leather production in volume.  One of the key points the sector’s social partners made in this landmark report is on Education and Skills challenges and opportunities. Human resources are essential to any enterprise. In the leather sector, this is even more true as employees need to combine a multiplicity of skills, mixing art and science. The report [...]

What is VET Excellence?

2021-05-03T09:43:03+02:00December 16th, 2020|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , , |

The term “Excellence” is a broad concept which has been used for decades in relation to education to underline talent, engagement, and a striving for continuously improving education systems. During late 2018 and early 2019, the European Commission’s Education and Training 2020 Working Group, affiliated to the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, conducted an exercise to present and delineate the new concept of Centres of Vocational Excellence and their main characteristics. This report, titled Mapping of Centres of Vocational Excellence was published in October 2019. In this report, VET Excellence is described as a set of activities and [...]

Webinar on VET Collaboration to restore growth in the TCLF sectors

2021-05-03T09:44:09+02:00November 10th, 2020|Categories: Articles, Events|Tags: , , , , , |

On Tuesday 3rd of November 2020, the Skills 4 Smart project partners launched a webinar under the European Vocational Skills week, which brought together more than 100 participants interested in the outcomes of the series of online workshops that were held by the project in September and October 2020. During the webinar, project partners presented for the first time the conclusions from the analysis focused on the impact of the COVID-19 on VET providers in TCLF industries. Likewise, they presented the results of the survey conducted with European VET providers which aimed at establishing the first steps to develop a Network [...]

Towards a European network of VET providers: key findings

2021-05-03T09:46:35+02:00October 28th, 2020|Categories: Articles, Events|Tags: , , , , , |

On October 2nd, S4TCLF’s partners held an international workshop titled “Towards a European network of VET providers”. This workshop aimed to gather VET providers to present the Skills4Smart project and convince them to enrol themselves in the piloting phase of the project. It was also an opportunity to present the project’s developments in terms of new curricula and occupation profiles, as well as direct and long-term implications of the Covid-19 crisis in education and vocational training. This webinar was attended by over 40 people from 12 countries, representing VET providers, organisations representing the TCLF industries on a national level, and companies. [...]

Portugal promotes webinar about the future of professional training

2021-05-03T09:48:47+02:00September 28th, 2020|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , , , |

On 24th of September Portuguese partners - CTCP and CITEVE - hosted a webinar called “Addressing a revolution in TCLF Training Education” as part of Erasmus+ Skills4SmartTCLF 2030 Blueprint Project, to present the project's developments, especially in terms of new qualifications for the sector and debate direct and long-term implications of COVID-19 in education and vocational training. This webinar was attended by representatives of the European Confederations, of the TCLF sectors (EURATEX, CEC, COTANCE), and different entities and institutions related to vocational education in these sectors in Portugal.   Lutz Walter, Director of Innovation & Skills (EURATEX), in his intervention, highlighted [...]

S4TCLF issues a position paper on the new EU Skills Agenda

2021-05-03T09:52:10+02:00August 31st, 2020|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , |

31 August 2020 - The EU TCLF Industry Confederations and Skills4SmartTCLF Blueprint project consortium warmly welcome the new EU Skills Agenda and stand ready to engage in a Pact for Skills. The partners of the Erasmus+ Blueprint project Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030, led by the representative organisations of the Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear (TCLF) industries in Europe, welcome the new EU Skills Agenda published in July 2020. They also  stand ready to engage in a Pact for Skills for the Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear sectors, whose key priorities should be: Support to companies, especially SMEs in their efforts to upskill [...]

5th Meeting in Iasi, Romania

2021-05-03T10:12:23+02:00November 27th, 2019|Categories: Articles, Events|Tags: , , , |

14th November 2019, Iasi, Romania The 5th technical meeting of the Project “Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030” was held in Iasi, Romania on 14th November 2019 at the premises of TUIASI with the participation of the project partners. The aim of the meeting was at first the overview of the project’s state of art, the activities implemented so far, the planning of the project’s next activities and steps and also the presentation of administrative and financial issues, focusing on the submission of the Project’s Interim Report within January 2020. Also, Ms. Vyte Ezerskiene from the European Commission intervened during the meeting and provided [...]

4th Meeting in Athens, Greece

2021-04-30T16:02:39+02:00June 13th, 2019|Categories: Articles, Events|Tags: , , , |

11 June 2019, HMA, Athens, Greece The 4th technical meeting of the Project “Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030” was held in Athens, Greece on 11th June 2019 at the premises of HMA with the participation of the project partners. The aim of the meeting was at first the overview of the project’s state, the activities implemented so far and the presentation of administrative and financial issues. Partners discussed about the ongoing WPs, which are WP III Future needed skills and trends for the TCLF sector and WP VII Design VET Curricula for TCLF needed profiles. In addition, partners exchanged views on the WP [...]

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