Home/Tag: VET

Towards a European network of VET providers: key findings

2021-05-03T09:46:35+02:00October 28th, 2020|Categories: Articles, Events|Tags: , , , , , |

On October 2nd, S4TCLF’s partners held an international workshop titled “Towards a European network of VET providers”. This workshop aimed to gather VET providers to present the Skills4Smart project and convince them to enrol themselves in the piloting phase of the project. It was also an opportunity to present the project’s developments in terms of new curricula and occupation profiles, as well as direct and long-term implications of the Covid-19 crisis in education and vocational training. This webinar was attended by over 40 people from 12 countries, representing VET providers, organisations representing the TCLF industries on a national level, and companies. [...]

S4TCLF issues a position paper on the new EU Skills Agenda

2021-05-03T09:52:10+02:00August 31st, 2020|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , |

31 August 2020 - The EU TCLF Industry Confederations and Skills4SmartTCLF Blueprint project consortium warmly welcome the new EU Skills Agenda and stand ready to engage in a Pact for Skills. The partners of the Erasmus+ Blueprint project Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030, led by the representative organisations of the Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear (TCLF) industries in Europe, welcome the new EU Skills Agenda published in July 2020. They also  stand ready to engage in a Pact for Skills for the Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear sectors, whose key priorities should be: Support to companies, especially SMEs in their efforts to upskill [...]

Press Release 2: Blueprint “Skills4Smart TCLF 2030” Second Partners’ Meeting: Looking for Excellence in VET

2021-05-03T10:49:34+02:00June 21st, 2018|Categories: Project communication|Tags: , , , , |

Get the press release in .pdf format in English, Spanish, Greek and Portuguese. At a time when youth unemployment, ageing-workforce and skills shortage become some of the major challenges facing the Textile, Clothing, Leather, and Footwear (TCLF) sectors in many European countries, 21 private and public stakeholders from 9 different countries gathered together in an ambitious four-year project titled “Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030”, funded by the Erasmus+ programme. The upskilling and reskilling of TCLF workforce of 2 million people in the European Union. through innovative learning methods to better match companies’ needs, the improvement of the image of careers in these [...]

Press Release 1: A Blueprint to Revitalise Skills and Jobs in the TCLF Sectors in Europe

2021-05-03T11:02:42+02:00February 8th, 2018|Categories: Project communication|Tags: , , , , |

Get the press release in .pdf format here. The need to anticipate and enhance adequate skills and learning methods as well as to attract and qualify workers has brought together 21 public and private stakeholders of the Textile, Clothing, Leather, and Footwear (TCLF) sectors under a strategic 4-year Erasmus+ project called “Skills4Smart TCLF”. The aim of the project is to create a robust and sustainable community of private and public actors across Europe, which will re-shape and update skills and education in these traditional and yet dynamic and innovative sectors within an EU-wide skills strategy. During a two-day meeting in Brussels, [...]

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