1-2 February 2018, EURATEX, Brussels, Belgium
The kick-off meeting of the Project “Skills4Smart TCLF Industries 2030” was held in Brussels, on the 1st and 2nd February 2018 at the premises of EURATEX with the participation of the project partners.
The aim of the meeting was the presentation of this ambitious project, the partnership, the activities it is consisted of and the main results expected. The meeting also attended Ms Vytaute EZERSKIENE from the Education, Audio-visual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), in order to provide her input. During this two-day meeting, partners had the opportunity at first, to discuss in detail about the activities launched during the first 5 months of the project, allocate tasks among partners and propose the deadlines. Moreover, a part of the meeting was dedicated to presentations about activities implemented from the 6th month or later in the project. The last part of the meeting was dedicated to project management and implementation (administrative and financial) issues.