2nd Transnational Meeting
INESCOP Polígono Industrial Campo Alto – C/ Alemania, 102, Elda, Alicante, Spain2nd Transnational Meeting, 19th-20th June 2018, Elda, Spain
3rd Transnational Meeting – day 1
CITEVE Rua Fernando Mesquita, nº 2785, Vila Nova de Famalicão, Portugal3rd Transnational Meeting, 22nd-23rd January 2019, Vila Nova de Famalicão / S. João da Madeira, Portugal
3rd Transnational Meeting – day 2
CTCP Rua de Fundões – Devesa Velha, S. João da Madeira, Portugal3rd Transnational Meeting, 22nd-23rd January 2019, Vila Nova de Famalicão / S. João da Madeira, Portugal
4th Technical Meeting
200, Ionias Ave. & Iakovaton str., Athens, Kato Patissia, Greece4th Technical Meeting, 11 June 2019, Hellenic Management Association, 200, Ionias Ave. & Iakovaton str., Athens, Greece
5th Technical Meeting
TUIASI Blv, Dimitrie Mangeron no. 29, Iași, Romania5th Technical Meeting, 14 November 2019, TUIASI - Faculty of Industrial Design and Business Management, Blv, Dimitrie Mangeron no. 29, Iași 700050, Romania
2nd Public Event “Digitalisation & Sustainability – A blueprint to revitalise skills and jobs in TCLF industries”
TUIASI Blv, Dimitrie Mangeron no. 29, Iași, Romania2nd Public Event "Digitalisation & Sustainability - A blueprint to revitalise skills and jobs in TCLF industries", Friday 15th November 209, Venue: TUIASI’s premises Faculty of Industrial Design and Business Management, Iasi, Romania
Modernising VET for economic recovery & innovation in Europe’s fashion industry regions
ONLINES4TCLF is pleased to announce our special guest to the upcoming webinar: Joao Santos. He will present the new #EUSkillsAgenda! Let’s talk about the #TCLF industries, #VET, and regional innovation development. Registration is open only untill 13 July 2020: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScG-RFq1B7-IgBmVYHGzi1kGyfyxH3zEQERa-LM5uhoHDI4dw/closedform
Open Your Mind awarding ceremony
ONLINEThe OpenyourmindTCLF campaign was developed over the last year to raise the interest of the younger generation in the TCLF industries. Join us on July 16th at 16:00 at the awarding ceremony of the “Open Your Mind” Best Product Competition!