Modernising VET for economic recovery & innovation in Europe’s fashion industry regions
ONLINES4TCLF is pleased to announce our special guest to the upcoming webinar: Joao Santos. He will present the new #EUSkillsAgenda! Let’s talk about the #TCLF industries, #VET, and regional innovation development. Registration is open only untill 13 July 2020:
Open Your Mind awarding ceremony
ONLINEThe OpenyourmindTCLF campaign was developed over the last year to raise the interest of the younger generation in the TCLF industries. Join us on July 16th at 16:00 at the awarding ceremony of the “Open Your Mind” Best Product Competition!
Towards a European network of VET providers – online workshop – Belgian edition
ONLINESkills for Smart Textiles, Clothing Leather and Footwear (Skills4smart TCLF), is the name of a European partnership between 21 organisations from 9 European countries on skills policy in our sectors. The project is one of the sectoral Blueprint projects within the framework of the European Skills Agenda ( The Blueprint project for the textile and clothing sector revolves around the question of how Europe can best support an effective skills policy in our industry. The project consists of several parts. After a study and a survey of more than 200 companies in the sector in 2018, work was done on a [...]
Towards a European network of VET providers – online workshop – French edition
ONLINEUnitex proposes to present to you the concrete phase of the work started in 2018 as part of the Skills4mart programme, in particular the pedagogical content of the textile technician, clothing prototype, and footwear prototype profiles that your training organisations are likely to use and test as part of their initial and continuing training activities between October 2020 and February 2021. This videoconference is also an opportunity to create links between French-speaking training organisations (3 Belgian training organisations will be present at the meeting thanks to the mobilisation of IVOC/IREC as well as 6 French training organisations), one of the objectives [...]
Towards a European network of VET providers – online workshop – International edition
The workshop will take place on Friday, the 2nd of October 2020 from 10:00 to 11:00 CET. You can download the final agenda here:
Towards a European network of VET providers – online workshop – Romanian edition
ONLINEErasmus+ Blueprint "Skills4Smart TCLF 2030" - Atelier online: promovarea excelenței în învățământul profesional și tehnic pentru industria textilă, confecții, pielărie și încălțăminte